Cartoon pest control logo design with a grumpy cartoon bedbug, combining friendliness with professionalism.
Cartoon pet waste removal logo
Vector pet waste removal logo, featuring a fun cartoon dog mascot holding a scoop and giving us a firm thumbs up!
Cute cartoon bee mascot
A series of poses for a cute cartoon bee mascot design. This character was designed for a leading educational company.
Cartoon lawn care logo
A clean, crips and fun cartoon lawn care logo. created to reflect the hard-working and professional nature of a startup lawn care business.
Cartoon dog walking logo
A cartoon logo design, created for a UK based dog walking business.
The logo design effectively encompasses both bold colours and typefaces and a super-cute cartoon dog mascot.
Cute cartoon stuffed animals
These two cute cartoon stuffed animals were a commission for a local children’s wear and apparel company. They are modelled on the client’s child’s favourite soft toys; “Bobby” the elephant and “Raff” the giraffe.
Cute Cartoon Dinosaur Mascot
A cute cartoon dinosaur mascot, created for a local children’s charity.
Cartoon Turtle Motocross Logo
Who said slow and sure won the race!? Not this little chap! This fun cartoon motocross logo, complete with cute turtle is destined for the finishing line!