About this cartoon...
Here is a selection of cute cartoon bee mascot poses for Welby, a cartoon character design created for Welby Education, a leading creator of children’s educational material. A total of fourteen different poses were required, each with a different emotion or gesture.
There were no firm rules for the bee mascot design, but he needed to be friendly and appealing to children. The concept would also need to be easy to replicate, as the bee character would have a variety of poses. These would then be used across various elements, such as the website and social media.
Drawing a cute cartoon bee mascot
Various initial pencil designs were created and elements refined to create the character design. Different colours for the character were also considered, as these would not only have to be appealing and bright but also work across a series of coloured backgrounds.
Once a final design was confirmed, I created a series of different expressions and poses for the Welby character, with his wings also aiding in the gestures. The heads were also designed to be used independently for smaller graphics and elements, such as icons and pin badges.
Keep an eye on the portfolio for future additions to Welby’s family and friends!