It is with great sadness that today we say goodbye to a legend; Lemmy of Motörhead.
Being a massive fan of Motörhead for many years, I was so shocked to hear of his passing.
I had meant to create a heavy metal cartoon for some time and upon hearing this awfully sad news, I got out the sketchbook and began scribbling!
I wanted to capture as much as possible his massive onstage presence, armed with his trademark Rickenbacker bass guitar and chin in the air stance.
This sketch came out a little more ambitious than my usual cartoon characters, with the extra details on the bass guitar and folds in the clothing.
He is also much larger than my usual creations, but this allowed me room to add in these additional details.
I also spent some more time creating a more realistic look to his cowboy boots, as these are another of his classic trademarks.
The next step with this Lemmy of Motörhead illustration is to digitise the outlines and make any final adjustments.
From there I will be able to begin adding in base colours and shades – namely lots of black for the clothing and a nice series of browns for the bass guitar.