I finally took the plunge recently and purchased myself a wacom tablet!
From out of the box I was incredibly impressed with the overall quality of the wacom tablet and also the range of accessories that were included.
The setup and connection to my Mac was also incredibly easy, although I did need to make an additional purchase of a Thunderbolt to HDMI connector.
I am at last able to create characters straight onto the screen, or take my pencil sketches and simply trace over the top as before.
The wacom tablet is also packaged with a very cool pen and a series of spare nibs.
This pen is very comfortable to use and is fitted with thumb-height buttons on the side, allowing you to access menus whilst working.
Another very nifty feature of the included pen is the fact that the opposite end functions in the same way as a traditional pencil eraser.
As a cartoonist, I cannot recommend a wacom tablet enough, both in terms of how easy it is to use but also the limitless creativity it allows.