With Halloween almost upon us, I thought we could do with a new cartoon witch for Halloween!
And to be honest, it’s been a fair while since I actually created a new character for Halloween.
Previous Halloween characters
As you may have already seen by delving into my cartoon portfolio, there are a fair few creepy Halloween characters floating about in there.
We’ve a mad scientist and a creepy tree, plus everyone’s favourite – a brain hunting cartoon zombie!
Creating the cartoon witch
Initially, I was going to sketch her standing next to a cauldron – eye of newt and all that.
But then thought about making the whole composition that little bit more exciting – she needs to be riding a broomstick!
Our witch is also quite rotund in build, harking back slightly to those old Bugs Bunny cartoons from childhood (you know the one – she cackles and then disappears in a flash, leaving only a couple of hair-pins behind).
Additional details…
Although the main details of the witch are in place – such as curly shoes and a pointy hat – I’m thinking she could do with some other details.
I may well add a black cat or toad to the front of the broomstick, hanging on for dear life!
Or possibly a small cauldron, hanging from the back of the broomstick, loaded with potions and other goodies.
Scenery and background
Provided I don’t run out of time before Halloween, I think I’ll put together some kind of creepy background before adding to my portfolio.
Maybe a full moon, before a blue-grey evening sky? Or maybe a burning red sky?