Cartoon Logo Design

If you’re looking for a great and affordable cartoon logo design, then you have come to the right place!

A cartoon logo is ideal for businesses because they create a very welcoming and overall friendly look for your visitors.

If you have a very specific type of character in mind, please get in touch and let me see how I can help you. I am also happy to rework your cartoon character logo design until you are completely happy with it.

Contact me about cartoon logo design

How are the cartoon logos created?

I initially start out by creating a series of sketches and ideas for you, so that we can establish the correct look and pose for your character. Nothing like hitting the paper with a good, old-fashioned pencil!

If your logo requires lettering or additional shapes, I will also add these at this stage and also supply some typeface choices to accompany the design.

Once we have the sketch completed and you’re happy, I move onto the digitisation stage. Here I clean up the basic character and digitise all of the outlines. Base colours are then added and sent back to you for any adjustment and approval.

Developing the cartoon mascot logo

The next stage is the fine-tuning, where I add in shades and highlights on the logo (if required) and finalise the composition and lettering (again if present).

All of my logo designs are created in vector format to allow an unlimited array of uses and applications. This means that they can be resized to any size or scale without any loss of quality or clarity. I am also happy to rework your logo design until you are completely happy with it.

Contact me about logo design

The Lawless Tide Shark LogoUsual Suspets Rabbit LogoWelder Woman LogoBadger Beer Cartoon

The final cartoon logo

The final artwork can be supplied in a range for formats for you. Generally, I provide a PDF file, along with JPG and PNG files, but can supply other file formats if required.

You then own all rights to the artwork and use it as you wish – my only request is that you allow me to add this to my portfolio and you wear your logo with pride!

Stand out from the crowd!

Get in touch with me today and let's talk about how one of my logos or cartoon mascot can help your business

Contact me