I noticed something very cool today whilst browsing through Twitter; Alien day!
Being a big fan of the alien movie franchise, I thought I’d delve a little further and find out what the excitement is all about.
What is alien day?
It turns out after a little research that Alien Day (#alienday) is an unofficial holiday for fans of the iconic space-horror franchise. It’s also a big promotional event for the new film Alien: The Covenant.
Was hoping it might also be an opportunity for a day off work 😉
Just for a little geeky back story, Aliens, the 1986 action sequel to Ridley Scott’s original movie takes place on a moon known as Acheron.
However, before it was given an official name the moon was known as LV-426 – therefore Alien Day is on 4/26.
With this in mind, I’ve grabbed the sketchbook and set about creating a new cartoon for the portfolio based on the iconic Xenomorph creature!
My Xenomorph sketch
So very pleased with the overall sketch for the Xenomorph, not something I’ve drawn very much since I was around 10 years old, but I think I’ve managed to capture him well.
I started out trying to get a good shape about him in blue pencils first, capturing a little menace but also a friendly aspect akin to my style.
He’s a little bulky in places for an alien too, but this is something I can refine when I take him to the digitisation stage.
I’m particularly impressed with his facial expression and made sure that I drew him with his mouth open, revealing that dreaded second mouth!
I’ve also remembered to include that nasty ‘ol stinger on the end of his tail!
Now he’s scanned in, the next stage is to digitise all of the outlines and then apply colours, shades and a few highlights.
Other alien bits…
I’m thinking I might also sketch out a couple of alien eggs and some facehuggers too and pop this into some form of exciting composition?
I could have them leaping over his shoulders or similar? Hmmm, something to think about! 🙂
Update: Completed Xenomorph alien
I’ve just added the completed Xenomorph cartoon to my portfolio – why not pop over and take a look!