About this cartoon...
What better cartoon to create for Halloween than a spooky tree cartoon?!
I wanted to create a really creepy looking tree, covered in really knarled branches and loose pieces of bark falling off.
The central piece of the tree would consist of some striking green eyes and a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth!
Creating my spooky tree cartoon
This cartoon character design started out as a sketch, which was then scanned in and the outlines added digitally.
The next step was to then add in a nice earthy tone to the trunk, and then pick out some of the shades and highlights with brighter brown tones.
Just to add a little more humor to the spooky tree, I thought it only right we add a cheeky little Halloween-themed pumpkin, chuckling away to himself. be sure to check out the other Halloween cartoons that are currently hanging out in my portfolio!